On June 13th, 1987, was founded an association named “ Club International d’Eperonnerie”. It was decided, to make things easier, that the registered office would be set up at the home of the elected President of the association.
We have decided unanimously, considering the internationalisation and the geographic spreading of members, to keep the association as a “de facto association”.

ARTICLE 2 - Object

The purpose of the association is to bring together the collectors of “lormery”, to enable them to exchange information, ideas and items concerning the theme of their collection.
It is necessary to collaborate on the search of documents which will take place in our review.

ARTICLE 3 - Definition
The word “lormery” is used for everything concerning the horse tack of the horse and the equipment of the rider.

The association has been founded for an unlimited length of time.

ARTICLE 5. - Subscriptions and donations.

The resources and property of the association consist of the subscriptions of the members. These subscriptions and donations are used to ensure the smooth running of the association.
Every year, during the General Meeting, the amount of the subscriptions is submitted to the approval of the members present or legitimately represented.

ARTICLE 6 – Responsibility.
The members are not personally responsible for the commitments signed by the association. These commitments will be born by the property of the association alone.
The association is responsible for the damage that the management, or a member of the management or any legitimate representative, could have done to a third party, as a result of a fact carried out during the execution of his duties.

ARTICLE 6bis - « La Lettre » - The Club Review.
This review comes out quarterly and is sent to the members whose subscriptions are in order.
A member or an ex-member will be responsible for the divulging, out of the association, of the quarterly review strictly reserved to the members. This review cannot be sold, nor reproduced in any way, nor given to anybody not belonging to the Club.
Any request for back issues of “La Lettre” must be made to the President. If he agrees, he will send to the member in charge of the archives an authorization to reprint the reviews requested. The person who asks for them will pay for the printing and the sending off.

ARTICLE 7- Conditions to be admitted.
A new member will be welcome if :
- he possesses a collection related to the subject of our association,
- he is proposed by two active members of the association, who will have to
give their opinion about the validity of their request.

ARTICLE 8 - Composition.
The association is composed of founder members, active members, honorary members or temporary members.

ARTICLE 9 - Loss of the position as member.
The position as member is lost when :
1) The subscription has not been paid after a call by mail.
2) The member does not collaborate on the review.
3) When he is often absent at the General Meeting, excepted in case of absolute necessity.
4) When he has no respect for the different articles of the statutes and especially for this article.
This lost of quality will be confirmed during the next General Meeting.
Any member can resign, of his own free will, in a letter addressed to the President. This resignation will be ratified during the next General Meeting, and the information will be passed in the next quarterly review after the resignation.
The subscription, totally or partly, will not be paid back to the member.

ARTICLE 10 - General meeting.
The General Meeting is composed of all the members present or legitimately represented. They get together once a year, invited by the President, at the time and in the place determined by the majority of members present or represented during the previous General Meeting. It may also be called together at any time when the interests of the association requires it, and specially if the statutes must be modified.
Notification to appear, letting know the subjects to be discussed, is sent to the members either by special mail, or by a special mention in the last quarterly review at least 15 days before he meeting.

ARTICLE 11 - The power of the General Meeting.
The ordinary General Meeting has the following power :
1) to ratify the minutes of the previous meeting,
2) to giver discharge to the President and the Treasurer,
3) to accept temporary members and attribute the quality of confirmed members,
4) to ratify the resigning of a member who requests it, and to decide of the exclusion of a member who is not straight with the articles of the statutes, and precisely the article 9,
5) to fix the date and place of the next Meeting,
6) to elect the President, the Chief Editor and the Treasurer,
7) to decide the amount of the subscription for the next year.
The resolutions of the General Meeting are taken by the majority of the members present or represented whose subscription is in order. Each member present may have only two proxies.
During the General Meeting, the decisions are voted by a show of hands, excepted if a majority of members demands a secret vote.

ARTICLE 12 – The Board.
It is composed of the totality of the members who have paid their subscription. In the present case, the Board delegates its power for the daily management to the President, who, presently, acts simultaneously as Chief Editor of the review and Treasurer, to make things easier. These functions may be dissociated by a decision of the General Meeting. He will be assisted by three members elected during the General Meeting.

ARTICLE 13 – The President and his Committee.
The President and the Members of the Committee see to the respect of the statutes and the protection of the moral interests of the association. They attend to the daily management in accordance with the decisions of the General Meeting.
They are elected for one year by a majority of three quarters of the members present or represented straight with their subscription. They are re-eligible.

ARTICLE 14. – Disssolution and liquidation of the association.
The dissolution is pronounced by request of three quarters of the members, straight with their subscription, during an extraordinary General Meeting, convoked specially in accordance with the rules stated in article 10.
For the validity of the decisions, the Meeting must be composed of at least two thirds of the members straight with their subscription. If this proportion is not reached, the Meeting is convoked again as soon as possible. It may then deliberate again, whatever the number of present members will be.
To be validated, the decision of dissolution requires the agreement of the three quarters of the present or represented members. The decision is taken by a show of hands, excepted if a quarter of the members demand a secret vote.
In case of dissolution, the extraordinary meeting names, among its members, one or several commissioners who are assigned the liquidation of the possessions of the association, and whose power will be determined by the association. The remaining assets will be transmitted to an association or a museum interested in the same subject as the association.

ARTICLE 15 – Internal rules.
Internal rules will permit to specify the functioning of the association. These rules will be presented to the members to be confirmed during the next General Meeting.

ARTICLE 16 – Litigation.
In case of litigation, the members agree upon an arbitrator named by the Board.

These statutes have been adopted by the General Meeting of May 24, 2003.
The original copy of the statutes must indicate the date of their adoption and be signed by the founder members, mentioning “with my agreement”.
A copy will be sent to each member, and the original copy kept in the archives at the home of the President.